Reference Projects
Administrative Buildings
Sale of an administrative building on Bajzova street

Sale of an administrative building on Tomášikova street

Lease of administrative premises in a building located on Klincová street

Lease of administrative premises in the 4 IN building on Ružinovská street

Residential Projects
Sale of flats on Sputniková street

Sale of 50 flats on Ulica Planét street

Sale of 100 flats on Vrakunská cesta

Sale of flats, commercial and administrative premises on Drieňová street in the BORIA complex

Sale of flats in Nitra Čermáň

Sale of flats, commercial and administrative premises in the Domino project on Trnavská street

Sale of flats, commercial and administrative premises in the Hrachová project on Hrachová street

Family Housing Projects
Sale of family housing project Kondomínia Nová Vrakuňa